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Collaborations on Bandlab

If you want to collaborate with me, know that I create my music according to my emotions. I am not able to create music or even a beat on demand. All my music is made with my mobile phone and Bandlab mainly (and I'm discovering Fruity Loop Mobile currently). They are created note by note as if I were really playing on real instruments, I don't use samples (with some exceptions)...

You wish to use one of my published compositions:

- All my compositions are under my copyright. If you use one without my consent, it's a counterfeit. I will take action to stop this infringement (DMCA and more if necessary). I am the victim of counterfeits very regularly, I will be intransigent on this subject.

- "Forkable" music on Bandlab can only be used on Bandlab, on a non-commercial YouTube channel (= not monetized) and everywhere, as long as it is not commercialized or monetized.

- If you want to use my compositions, please contact me on Bandlab or  by email (bottom of this page).

-I check who I work with. I do not accept collaborations if you have nothing to present to me and I do not accept any if what is presented to me is not of good quality (lyrics, vocals, recording...). My refusal does not mean that I find your work bad artistically but simply that I think that we will not do a good job together.

Using music on Bandlab and YouTube:

-If I agree for you to exploit music, the publication can be done on Bandlab and on a non-commercial YouTube channel (= non-monetized). In any case, it is mandatory to mention me as composer in the descriptions. 

- It is possible to post the YouTube video link on Facebook. Be careful, if you post the video directly on Instagram or Facebook, it is very likely that it will be blocked for copyright infringement (my music is under copyright).

Exploitation / Marketing of a collaboration (Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, Amazon...):

If you want to distribute the creation outside of Bandlab (on commercial platforms such as Spotify, Deezer...), this is possible, under the following conditions:

° I have to agree. 

° The song must be of good quality (lyrics, vocals, sound quality...).

° I take care of the distribution that I do with Routenote (on Spotify, Deezer and all Routenote's partner platforms).

° If we are 2 collaborators, you will be the main artist (the distribution will be done on your artist profiles on each of the platforms) and I will be featuring. If there are more than 2 of us, you will have to tell me how to distribute the music (on which main artist profile).

° If you already have an artist profile on commercial platforms, you will have to communicate it to me. If you don't have one, Routenote will have it created for you. I will then need the artist name you want to use (think carefully, it's final I think). Once your artist profiles are created, you can take control of them. It will be possible for you to publish your own music or those from other collaborations. I would never have access to your profiles.

° Each artist present on the project will be credited with the roles that were theirs.

° The copyright on my original instrumental remains my property. The copyrights of the various additions will be the property of their respective creator. For example, if you write the lyrics, the copyright remains 100% yours.  This means that we are each free to exploit what belongs to us for other projects but without the additions resulting from the collaboration (because they do not belong to us.

° Any personal use of the collaboration outside the established framework must be discussed and accepted by all collaborators.

° The royalties will be shared according to everyone's contribution (Routenote takes 15% of royalties against free distribution on the platforms, for the rest, it will be shared from 25% to 50% for me and from 50% to 75% for you ). If there are more than 2 of us, the royalties are divided equally for each collaborator.  Attention, the royalties are symbolic, don't dream too much, we won't get any or really very little.


- What you really have to do:

° You will have to create an account on the site of Routenote. It's free. Then you will have to give me your username Routenote (without the password, only the username) which will allow me to indicate to whom to distribute the share of royalties.

Link to Routenote website

° I will need an email address to which I will send you the screenshots of the final project before publication on the platforms. You can validate or tell me what does not suit you. Until we agree, no broadcasts.


- Last point: everything is free, I will never ask you to pay for anything.

If you don't know anything about how it all works, don't hesitate to contact me on Bandlab and ask me all the questions you want. If I can help you, I'll do it with pleasure. In case of collaboration, I could even help you to be present on many platforms if you want. I have already produced several collaborative publications.

I remain available for any questions provided that I know the answer!  

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